It is little comfort to read the somewhat positive news that UK unemployment has fallen by 51000 when you are not in work, or your contract is about to run out, and the future looks bleak with nothing on the horizon.
This week I have been picking up quite a lot of the feeling from my connections in the recruitment world that the job market in my particular specialism is still very difficult and there's not a great future ahead. Indeed, some of them have even said this is the worst quarter for quite a while and although there had been an expectation of green shoots of recovery, nothing had happened. Now that might seem like bad news but it is not!!!
For me, as a job seeker I fully understand that the market is slow but that is where I have to translate that to my benefit. I still believe that there is a role for me and that being busy with actions, such as the blog and maintaining and growing my connections, will bear fruit. Recruiters remember me when I call and more often than not, they return my calls - Thank you to those of you who do that - rather than the normal refrain I hear from other job seekers that they don't get calls back. Of course, it could all be down to the fact that people want to talk to such a likeable character as me anyway!!!

On the other hand, I've had some disappointed job seekers getting more and more frustrated at how the market is at the moment. They find it difficult to see how things can get better and their self esteem is getting lower. Indeed, it feels like they might never work again despite a long and predominantly successful career to date.
I have a profound belief that my positivity in these difficult times is a bonus. A recruiter likes to hear and feel the infectious wish to work and the positive approach rubs off. I am sure that they can feel negativity and that doesn't help a job seeker. Getting down on yourself does you and your family and friends no good whatsoever.
I like to try to surround myself with good things and good positive people, even at these difficult times. My wife especially is always positive and supportive of me. I try to see the best out of others and what they do for me and others without me even asking. And you can use that spark as well.
One of my positive learning points has come from my contact with a great coach called Steve Nicholls. I'm not here to sell him but all my contacts with him have made me more positive about myself and my targets . You can use him as well. Contact him at There is free information on the website via the podcasts and blogs but you may wish to invest further. A free career assessment is available as well.
The stuff I've used there has been really helpful for me and, even if it was reminding me of some things I already knew, it reassured me that I was and am on the right tracks for delivering my role for me.
I should add, and Steve won't mind me saying this, there are other career coaches around as well so use the one with whom you can get the best rapport.
From my other connections there have also been many messages of support and offers of help. Thanks.

As always, a reminder for you. My LinkedIn profile gives you details of my career. Please circulate my details as wide as possible.
I'm a senior HR generalist professional with a demonstrated track record of achievement in operational and strategic roles in both the private and public sectors. If you have a role, or know somebody who could use that background get in touch via Linked In or call me on my mobile. I'm happy to discuss any business opportunity as long as it is legal.
(c) Iain Williamson 2012