Tuesday, 15 January 2013

The Spiral of Despair and The Way Out

It's been quite a distressing few days or so in terms of redundancy announcements or companies choosing to go into administration.  You will have read about JessopsHonda and HMV and I'm sure there are other sad  and disappointing news stories of that ilk around. Any time that somebody loses employment is bad but just after Christmas and New Year when optimism for the future should be at its highest, is even more badly timed.

It's also difficult for somebody who is job seeking when they read these stories. If you're unemployed, all these stories shout out to you that the competition for jobs has just become even more competitive - and that can be even more depressing. Will I ever find a job?   

This is the time when you need to maintain positivity because I am absolutely sure that negativity will show itself through. So when you speak to a recruiter or you're at an interview then you'll not be displaying the vibes that showcase you well - and so you don't sell yourself and don't get that job offer. And you feel that there are no jobs around for you. A spiral of despair.

What can you do? Well the first thing to do is to maintain the confidence in yourself and the skills and competences that you have. Remind yourself of what you achieved in previous roles and use those accomplishments in your job interview.

You should also take solace in the economic reports including this recent one from Reed Global. It basically says that the job market is good for 2013 and should get better. It's the light at the end of the tunnel syndrome and might feel like journalistic licence but it does have substance.

Keep your eyes open for free opportunities on the Internet for help in your job search. There are lots of it around - look on YouTube, look at the main job boards  -  use their free advice. I've recommended him before but I don't apologise for doing it again, but Steve Nicholls is a great fountain of knowledge for you. Here's a link to one of his recent publications  http://www.stevenichollscareercoaching.co.uk/staying-motivated-job-hunting/

The other thing you need to do is to make your job hunting tactics much more refined. Setting up automatic job alerts can be time consuming, but it means that you can get quick access to your job, rather than having to trawl through each job board on a daily basis.

The next thing to do, which saves even more time, is to use a job board such as Indeed. Why Indeed? Well it trawls the Internet and gathers all the adverts into one place. If you're confident enough in it, you can almost even think about just relying on this alone!!!

Of course, you also need to keep in touch with your connections. Massage their ego and remind them you're around. Otherwise, somebody else is doing it and they get that call before you do.

I'm still in my interim role and continuing to look and follow my own preachings. One day it will work, I am sure. There are a few things bubbling along including an opportunity to provide consultancy opportunities which has come via a previous manager I had. There you go, keep up your connections. It does work!!!

As always, thanks for reading and please circulate as widely as possible. My Linked In address can be accessed here and I'd be happy to discuss any potential opportunities at any time.

(C) Iain Williamson 2013

Monday, 7 January 2013

It's not Blue Monday yet but set your goals for 2013

It has been fantastic travelling on the motorway network over the past few weeks. Britain has been on its annual closedown but, being stoic, I've been going to work apart from my birthday, Christmas Day, Boxing Day and NewYears Day and enjoying the free flowing journey both to and from work. If only ............ 

But just when you thought it was over - that is Christmas and New Year - I've read that "Blue Monday" is with us. No it's not today which will be the first day back on the commuting trail for most people. It's actually on the third Monday on January 21st. We've not been paid for ages, all the bills need paying and we're still in dark days with the next bank holiday at Easter time. 

There are times in your job search when you feel like every day is a Blue Monday but that's not the way to react or feel. In job search time there feel like lots of knock backs - no matter how often you review job boards, there aren't any jobs for you, recruiters aren't returning calls, it feels like your CV is not working, no interviews are on the horizon, you feel like your skills are stagnating... And you can add to that list as well I'm sure.
The start of any New Year is seen as a good time to review your life in general. People set themselves resolutions and by the second or third week those resolutions have gone by the wayside. Drinking has recommenced, cigarettes are back on the agenda and that diet and the idea of a more active life has skeedaddled off down the road.

For a job seeker though there is really no such thing as a New Year. Reviewing your CV and job search outcomes should be a constant activity. I'm not saying that you change your CV every day but sit back and consider what you have done well. Think about what has brought success. Think about what hasn't worked well. Revise your Linked In profile or get on there if you haven't done that already. Consider whether you want to use other social media outlets.

I might be mad but over the holiday period I was still on alert for my career options. I attended a webinar on job seeking. I'm never complacent - even though I know and understand a lot about the recruitment process, I never stop learning. And importantly for job hunters, there's a lot of free support available for you out there. Just invest the time in yourself and the rewards will come. 

Now that first Monday on the year has arrived and I have no "Blue Monday" reactions. It's just another day for me. But my job search continues and I'll keep up my resolutions for my job search. I'll also remember that if I don't always do what I say I will do in this search, I can start again and never give up till my goal is achieved. For you it needs to be the same. Don't be a failure in your job search, because you can only blame yourself. Set your levels high and go for it.

2013 will be the year when I find the role I want. Absolutely convinced of that. And for you it will be the same. Make it your goal and achieve it.

As always, I ask all readers to share this blog widely and if you want to know more about me then look at my Linked In profile. I'd be happy to talk further with anybody on job opportunities for permanent or interim appointments. My contact details are via Linked in or this blog. Thanks

(C) Iain Williamson 2013

Saturday, 5 January 2013


This is the educational bit of the blog.

Merry Christmas to you all. No it is not late!!!!!! The Russian Christmas takes place on Monday 7th January so these wishes to all my blog readers are well in time.

(I can't be bothered explaining the difference between UK and Russian Christmas dates for those of you who are confused with all of this).

Suffice to say, me and my Russian wife have yet another bout of celebrating to do. And, I can tell you, Russians know how to celebrate!!!!! Food and drink aplenty.

And then there's the Russian New Year. Sore head or what!!!!

(C) Iain Williamson 2013.