The serious question here for all HR Managers and business owners is what would you do if this type of situation arose in your workplace. Of course, there are no easy answers and I'm not here to pontificate on the morals of a footballer. What would you do?
There are employment law considerations in deciding what to do and you have to consider the impact on the organisation.
2. Ever wanted a job worth £15m just for joining the organisation? Some might say that Marc Bolland, the new Chief Executive of Marks and Spencers has done that. Nice work if you can get it.
3. And that really confirms the jobs that are the high earners. Chief Executive posts and Managing Directors are at number one in the Pay Charts announced this week.
The worst job as far as pay is concerned is a Nursery Nurse.
4. This week British Airways announced a smaller than expected pre-tax loss of £50million in the 3 months to December 2009. All this is with the spectre of industrial disputes looming large so although the financial report is good, the organisation is not in a mood for saying things are looking better.
Now for some US news,
5. The US economy looks to be in recovery but a major problem exists with the number of long termed unemployed doubling in the last 12 months.
And now for some Russian news.
6. The Russian economy has shrunk by 7.9% in 2009, but 2010 should see a return to growth. Yes it was less bad than forecast but still reflected the worst annual result for 15 years.
Oh and Yes we might as well involve Religion.
7. Earlier this week Pope Benedict XVI confirmed that he would be visiting the UK in 2010, the first papal visit since 1982 when John Paul came to these lands. Controversially the Pope criticised the UK equality legislation and lo and behold the Government has decided to ditch its legislative wishes on anti-discrimination law.
8. Hopefully we have seen the last of the bad weather and the snow and ice problems have gone for this year. But, in what might be seen as a moment of unusual madness, the HMRC said that the snow can be used as an excuse for late postings of this years returns. Therefore, you could save yourself £100 if you use this get out clause.
9. How often do we English speakers say how wonderful it is that other people same to be able to speak so many languages and we stick to English because we perceive it as the "language of business"? Well now we hear that Google are looking to launch a translator phone. Yes, you read correctly. A phone that will immediately translate is around two years away and is the next step on from where PC's currently can translate for you. Watch this space.
(c) Iain Williamson 7.2.10
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