It's been an interesting day. Apart from the sun finally disappearing, just in time for me to play golf tomorrow, I finally got the news I have been waiting for since last month.
A resolution has been found and I will receive payment of the salary owed to me when The Webb Group went into administration. My umbrella company has been able to negotiate and agree a repayment plan with the agency through whom I was working. Admittedly it will be over a 4 month period but at least I will get something. I sympathise with the situation that they found themselves in, but there was nothing I could do about that.
Over and above that, it's been another good day for getting connected and, fantastically, several of these contacts are being very positive about me and are offering their help. I know I said thank you yesterday but I want to reiterate those words.
It's still a slog searching job boards and company sites and picking up on nods from others. It really is a full time job and more. There are not enough hours in the day.
I must be mad but at 5am today I was sending an email to somebody!!!! At least it was a positive email and kept me in the loop with an important contact for me.
I have had quite a bit of feedback from folks that they also expect the market to slow down in this period and today we see many schools break up for Easter so holidays will abound for people with children. One contact even feels that things won't pick up until May. I hope she's wrong, obviously.
At the moment, I'm contemplating launching a business venture and will work on that over the next couple of weeks. You'll have to come back to another blog to find out what the plan is - but it is exciting!!! And maybe it is the solution that I need.
I hope you have a great weekend and enjoy your time in whatever you do.
(c) Iain Williamson 2012