Looking for a job is an all consuming exercise and can be frustrating when it feels like you're getting nowhere fast. Today it felt like one roadblock appeared after another.
I looked at the vacancies on the job boards and the vacancies coming through on Linked In and it just seemed that the vast percentage were southern based roles with little or nothing Birmingham or Northwards. I know the M1 and M6 are difficult trips at the best of times but this feels like one hell of a roadblock.
Then when I was having catch-ups with recruiters and other contacts another roadblock appeared. It seems that the market is slowing down pre-Easter and in the close down to the financial year, so no roles are getting signed off by business.
And then another roadblock - it appears that the level of role I'm looking for is not as available as other levels, particularly at lower salary levels.
And then another roadblock - some sectors, in this candidate rich market, are being highly specific and restrictive in their requests that the new potential employee absolutely must have experience in the sector. No exposure equals no interview.
For me, these are not roadblocks at all but merely challenges that need to be taken up and overcome. I have an answer for all of these roadblocks if people care to listen to me. And these are answers for all job seekers.

Of course, I could consider moving location but that's a big decision not taken lightly and I might need to speak to my better half before I take this route.
The roadblock of Easter and financial year end won't last forever and indeed it gives me a chance to do more sourcing of opportunities.
I can see that salary level is a bit of an issue but not one that cannot be overcome - what are the other benefits attached to the role and the business that might make me consider taking a salary at a lower level? This is the challenge.
As for the sector specific roadblock? Well I can't change their mind even though I firmly believe they are wrong. Indeed, when I look at my career which has encompassed both private and public sector organisations and really quite varied business, from the global to the local, I know that I can show any employer, in any organisation, that I can do the job for them. No problem!!!
And there lies the solution. There are no roadblocks in my job search. Only challenges for me to work on and for me and my supporters to resolve.
My request is for a resolution sooner rather than later. In terms of my current situation there are a few things on the go at the moment and fingers crossed something happens sooner rather than later. I'm getting bored and my golf handicap isn't coming down.
I also heard from a contact of mine today who is moving from a role straight into an interim role with a local council - so congratulations to her. It shows to me the power of persistence and she deserves it. And it also proves that Linked In and direct approaches work.
It also makes me think of all the folks from my time at The Webb Group which went into administration recently. At least I'm used to the perils of finding the next role because I've been working in interim positions so I know that I've got to be on the look out for the next position. Many of them might not have been prepared for what happened and not even have the online presence or an up to date CV or the agency contacts.
Some of these folks might not be in as good a mindset as me, so if any of you readers can help them then please do so. Their details will be in my Linked - In connections. Lots of people with lots of skill sets - available now. Help them overcome their challenges.
(c) Iain Williamson 2012
Iain - I have an oft-cited definition of selling - turning a no into a yes. And finding a job is all all sales and marketing - selling you. I love your view of road blocks and the need to overcome them along with your positive approach. The challenges you summarise are spot on in the current market. With your determination and skill set things will happen, I'm sure. But be careful. Sometimes road blocks are of a type and scale that they are best avoided through a clear focus on the realities of the market and where your prime marketable skillsets lie. Good luck!