One of the most difficult things to manage when you're not in a job and on the daily trudge to work and back home at the end of the day is missing the daily interaction with people. Don't get me wrong, I'd be quite happy to talk to my wife all day.

To break that monotony what I have taken to doing much more religiously than previously is to contact the recruiter prior to sending in my application. I don't know if it will make any difference to the application process but it feels a much more comfortable way to apply.
For me, it is all about making the connection with somebody and even if we both acknowledge that there is not a match for a particular role then at least they will know more about me other than what is on my CV or my LinkedIn profile. Perhaps that will lead to a more positive result next time around. It all helps I'm sure.
Speaking to these folks is like my work for the day. Indeed, I spoke to one person on three separate occasions today. It is this interaction which helps to relieve the monotony of the job seeking process and let's me see that these roles actually exist.
I had some great feedback from my post of yesterday and my visit to the Job Centre. Thanks to everybody for that. Today's was visit was rather more briefer and the person that I worked with confirmed what I already knew - it's been quiet in the recruitment market over the past two weeks!!! Oh well, there's always two weeks time to look forward to when I am due back. Unless I have a job...........
I've also been getting a lot more offers of support from my LinkedIn connections and from new people who have become connections via their exposure to this blog. Many thanks and gratitude for that but still work to do folks. So as always please share as far and wide as possible this blog and my LinkedIn profile.
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