There's only one way to describe today. Slow. Or was it in reverse?

Last week I was talking positively about the end of the Easter holidays and the anticipation that the job market would seriously pick up. It's true to say that recruiters are back at their desks but my anticipated upturn has not come to fruition yet. I'm hoping it's just a case that they are getting re-acclimatised and that things will pick up from tomorrow.
It's so easy to get downhearted about a situation like this but I'm being stoic. It's something I've talked about before but it is important to stay upbeat. I'm sure that people can tell when you are down beat and that transmits across the phone when you are talking to them - so you lose the enthusiasm and, by default, some of your personality that will be selling you to a recruiter.
Yes, I will tell a recruiter I'm fed up. It's understandable bearing in mind that I'm looking for work but the recruiter doesn't want to hear that forever on the call. So I talk about the blog, my Linked In activity, my job search overall, etc, etc. and overwhelm them with my enthusiasm for a job role.
Yet there are still a few things on the go and the right role will come along soon. And I'll keep beavering away with My Job.
It was also interesting to hear today from several of my connections that this daily update is becoming a "must read" for them and importantly keeps me in their mind. So again we see the power of LinkedIn.
As always, please look at my LinkedIn profile and pass it to anybody who is searching for a consummate HR leader. Thanks.
(c) Iain Williamson 2012
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