When I visit Moldova, I am in a bubble of non-comprehension. I don't speak any Russian, apart from a few words - and certainly not joined up in a sentence that makes any sense to anybody. As for Romanian, well I don't speak or understand that either. The only plus point is that Romanian is written in the Latin alphabet and I can guess what a lot of the words mean when I see them written down. As for Russian!!!!! Помоги мне
I am so glad and delighted that my wife speaks fluent Russian - a Godsend.
So when thinking about the potential of operating a business in a country where you don't speak the language there is an immediate hurdle to overcome. So an important part of my survey was to try to understand how big of a hurdle is that and is it surmountable.
The conclusion surprised me very much. The result to the question "What languages are used in your business?" was:-
1. Russian 29%
2. Romanian 29%
3. English 28%
4. Moldovan 12%
5. Other 2%
Certainly the people I spoke to had an excellent command of the english language. Admittedly these were senior professionals in their business but they didn't see that my lack of speaking another language as a problem. Indeed, the Moldovan push and move towards the European Community enhances the need for involvement of professionals from other countries. Moldova certainly has a bright future - it just needs that support to get there.
In my next posting, I will give you another section of the survey and my interpretation of what it said.
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(c) Iain Williamson 2015
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