So far so good. But that's not the question. Clearly, as in all countries, the question comes down to a simple statement. Would your business use an International HR Consultant? If you don't ask, you'll never know!!!
The answer was quite conclusively Yes with 59% in the affirmative. Is that enough on which to make a decision?
If the Conservative Party can plough ahead with its vision for the next five years for the United Kingdom with only 36.9% of the popular vote then a 59% result is surely a landslide vote for a go-ahead decision for an International HR Consultancy.
Even with the 59% result, there still has to be a modicum of reticence. On the other hand, it means 41% of the community would not use an International Human Resources Consultancy. Or is this just the usual British way of reacting to avoid a big disappointment. snatching defeat from the jaws of victory?
Maybe the real decision point can only lie in what the customer wants? A-ha!!! That's it, there lies the solution and in the next instalment I will tell you what the survey responses said would be most needed.
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(c) Iain Williamson 2015
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