Monday 28 May 2012

Marketing Blitz Update

There is absolutely no doubt that anybody who is unemployed cannot just sit and wait for a job to be delivered on a plate. It just doesn't work like that.

The reality in the current economic climate is very much a case of get out there and be active and then be even more active and seek out the diamond that is your next job. Otherwise it'll be a long time sitting on the sofa staring at the latest version of Countdown or Deal or No Deal and worrying about how to pay bills and keep afloat.

I have recently been on the job search market (and still remain on the search for a full time role either permanent or interim) and felt that I had to do more to get myself noticed. Over the past few months since I finished a role I have taken the following actions:-

  1. Updated my Curriculum Vitae and circulated to multitudes of recruiters AND religiously refreshed the CV so it got to the top of the virtual inbox that recruiters review.
  2. Registered on job boards and with recruitment agencies and set up email alerts.
  3. Spoke directly to recruiters.
  4. Added many contacts on LinkedIn
  5. Received leads from friends and connections and always followed up.
  6. Attended interviews and assessment centres.
  7. Wrote a blog on my trials and tribulations as a job seeker - a cathartic exercise.
All of these were great in their own way and together and is to be highly commended. I am sure that they raised my profile and indeed many people commented on my Blog which has surely been a fantastic reward for me.

And its the context and content of that Blog which had an instrumental impact when I went on a massive LinkedIn self marketing blitz.As well as launching my own business - ABespokeCV - a CV writing and job search and support business - I also individually emailed my recruiter connections and reminded them of my latest updated CV and that I was still around. 

Almost immediately I had email responses, meetings arranged and telephone calls. The response rate was staggeringly high. I was surprised but I was being proactive and  getting results. Recruiters needed reminding of what Iain Williamson brings to the HR profession. No they hadn't forgotten me but needed a reminder.

Then I had an offer for an interim part time role arrive. I've taken it because it will keep me busy and in the professional loop but also give me time to continue the search for a full time role. 

The message is yes - marketing works - but keep it up and FOLLOW IT UP. Don't do it once and let the dust settle. It doesn't take a second for somebody else to overtake you so keep up the pressure and the gruelling hard work of doing all the things in the list above. Success is only a matter of time.

As always, keep sharing and circulating my blog as widely as possible and comment as well. And review and share my LinkedIn profile widely as well. 

You can contact me by email at or on my mobile at 07722 447847

Thanks for all your support and help so far. Please continue your efforts.


  1. Well done Iain on your interim role. Finding that next job is partly down to inspiration. But equally personal application and hard work in conducting the job search is equally important.

    I don't know if any of your HR contacts would be interested but I'm speaking at Leicestershire CIPD in June about Managing Careers. More details at:


    1. Keith

      Thanks for your comments. Yes it's hard work but sometimes down to right time right location etc.

      I hope your CIPD presentation goes well.


  2. Iain.

    Don't be modest. Which golfer said the more you practice the luckier you get? Arnold Palmer or...



It would be great if you left a comment. It can only help, but please be mindful that only positive comments are likely to be retained. But don't let that put you off.
