Tuesday 20 March 2012

Is it a full time job?

The weekend is over and I ask myself, and you dear reader, why did I do nothing on my job search over the weekend.

Well it's simple. I treat my job hunting exactly like a job. That is, I work hard on finding a job during the week and then relax at the weekend. Simple really.

And when I do have a job, I try to forget about the trials and tribulations of work at the weekend and spend time with things that I would want to do - maybe a bit of golf, or some football on TV, but more likely being told by my better half what things need fixing round the house!!!!

It is so easy to feel guilty when you are job hunting to think that you cannot miss a second because that job you need becomes so all encompassing and your only focus. I totally get that but I also think that you need to be realistic about matters.

Jobs are not placed on internet boards every second of every day and at weekends you will not find recruiters in the office. So the logic is have some down time and then feel refreshed for the week ahead. Do something you want to do and try to forget about your employment situation.

I had a relaxing weekend ahead of my return to my job search and now I'm back into it with a vengeance.

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